

The steel industry embarks on preparations before officially entering the national carbon market


2022-03-03 14:55

Recently, the Department of Climate Change Response of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the "Letter on Entrusting the China Iron and Steel Industry Association to Carry out the Work Related to Carbon Emission Trading in the Iron and Steel Industry" to the China Iron and Steel Association. Following the power industry and building materials industry, the steel industry has become the third key industry to be included in the national carbon market.

Therefore, the China Iron and Steel Association's Low-Carbon Work Promotion Committee indicated that it plans to launch a collection of special standards for carbon peak and carbon neutralization.

The scope of this collection includes carbon emission accounting, carbon emission limits, low-carbon evaluation, carbon emission monitoring, carbon asset management, oxygen furnace, non-blast furnace ironmaking, carbon capture, storage and utilization, energy efficiency improvement and other low-carbon technology in the steel industry.




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