

The outputs of most flats in steel enterprises were decreased in May counted by CISA


2022-03-03 14:52

According to the statistics of CISA, the output of shipbuilding plate was 770,000t in May, down by 2.5% y-o-y, including 440,000t high strength plate, down by 4.3% y-o-y. The output of boiler and pressure vessel plate was 450,000t, up by 21.6% y-o-y. Bridge plate output was 250,000t, down by 21.9% y-o-y. Pipeline plate output was 340,000t, up by 36% y-o-y. Container plate output was 560,000t, up by 1120% y-o-y.

The output of auto sheet was 3.40Mt, up by 62.7% y-o-y, including 730,000t galvanized auto sheet, up by 73.8% y-o-y. Home appliance sheet was produced 670,000t, up by 15.5% y-o-y. Silicon steel sheet was produced 1Mt, up by 40.8% y-o-y, including 180,000t oriented silicon steel sheet, up by 20.0%.

HR pickled steel sheet was produced 650,000t, up by 35.4% y-o-y. High strength steel sheet was produced 3.98Mt, up by 10.6% y-o-y.


shipbuilding,plate,high strength,boiler,pressure,vessel,Bridge,Pipeline,sheet,container,galvanized,silicon,hot-rolled,pickled


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